الصفحة الرئيسية

عرض مجموعتنا بأكملها

لراحة بشرتك وتهدئتها والعناية بها من خلال مجموعات العناية بالبشرة المصممة خصيصًا. مصمم لمعالجة مجموعة واسعة من مشاكل البشرة من الجفاف إلى البشرة الحساسة.

نحن فليكسيتول

فليكسيتول هي مجموعة من منتجات العناية بالقدم والبشرة الفعالة والمبتكرة. يعد فليكسيتول، المتوفر الآن في أكثر من أربعين دولة حول العالم، أحد العلامات التجارية التي طورتها شركة لاكوريوم الصحية في أستراليا. يعتمد نجاح علامة فليكسيتول التجارية على الجودة. تركيباتنا المتقدمة عبارة عن مزيج متوازن من المكونات عالية الجودة .
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تعليقات وآراء العملاء

فلكسيتول بلسم لعلاج طفح الحفاض

I live by this product and it will never change. I has changed my life forever.

Erica Gaygay, UAE

It is the best for dry or cracked lips! Excellent product 💯

Fizah, KSA

This product definitely worked for me. I have dry skin that can sometimes get painful when too dry.
It’s true that you only need to use this one to notice a difference. If your want your skin to be smooth all day definitely get this.
Healthy skin is a must. Helped my dry skin on my legs and arms so intensely!

Serena, CA

I have had inflammed lips which is quite painful. A Dermatologist suggested this balm and it has worked a treat!

Daisy, UAE

I highly recommend the Flexitol Anti-Ageing Hand Balm for anyone looking to rejuvenate and restore their hands.

Kyslene Rodriguez, UAE

My hands are visibly and instantly looking younger. Makes the skin so mooth and soft


If your heels are catching on your socks or or leggings when putting on, this will have them always smooth looking very quickly.
This has a very high urea content, which is a good for both exfoliating and moisturizing your feet and knees.
It’s very thick which I love but it means your feet won’t absorb it really quick. Better to put it on when you don’t have to
walk around for at least an hour. Or put on thin cotton socks. Socks won’t absorb much of the cream due to how thick the cream is.
Save your money and use this cream from the start instead.


The only product I saw fast results from it!

Shama, UAE

This was recommend by my husband’s foot dr because of his diabetes and has been a great cream for the
whole family to use on their feet! We originally bought the lotion in the tube but have switched to the stick just for
an easier application when appling it yourself.

Jane, British Columbia